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What doesn't kill you makes you stronger

 What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Categories: Great quotes
They deceived you and said that the blows that do not kill you make you stronger. Let me tell you about the survivors of the fatal blows: the survivors of the fatal blows can tell you about this fear that accompanies them for the rest of their lives, the fear of the days, the fear of a new blow, they can tell you about how they lost their sense of security. Trust in others, and perhaps trust in themselves. Survivors of fatal blows suffer from a kind of dullness of feelings. They become indifferent. Nothing makes them happy, nothing saddens them. They have become well aware of the fact that nothing lasts. Survivors of fatal blows live alone, no matter how crowded they are around them. They know very well that everyone will flee from around them if they receive a new blow. Deadly blows, my friend, teach selfishness and cruelty. Deadly blows make you strong, no one knows anything about the rubble he carries inside him..” Ahmed Khaled Tawfiq
Categories: Great quotes
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